Just as people leave the site nature tries to reassert itself. The beautiful fungi above sprouted and have been allowed to flourish.
The day was grey and overcast with the occasional short showers. We spent the morning finishing off tasks around the site and the rest of the day moving from caravan to van in preparation for our journey north.
The site is eerily quiet it strange to think of all the people who have been and gone , conversations both interesting and not so interesting. People in transit people here for the whole season and those who based there holidays here. The hustle and bustle of a busy campsite. A time to reflect and consider our options and decide on what our short medium and longer term goals are going to be.
It’s always strange to be in a place that is supposed to be thriving when it’s empty.
Tomorrow is supposed to be dry and will give us the chance to tie off any loose ends. We are pretty much ready for the off . The caravan is loaded with all the stuff that was in the trailer and the combo vehicle is approx 22 meters in length. We have a long vehicle sign on the back of the van to warn those intent on overtaking! Ive been thinking of all the wildlife we have seen since we have been up here. Trying to compile a list. 🤔