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Blood given homeward bound.

It’s another beautiful day in the highlands. Well on the east coast. I had an appointment to give blood that had taken me all this time to arrange. We had to drive to Inverness to facilitate the blood taking. We did manage to make the best of it and the drive over via Loch Carran and the drive back via Loch Ness was beautiful in the sunshine.

The picture above is of the river Ness and Ness islands. It’s wonderful to be able to walk to a city Center from the suburbs along a route so beautiful and tranquil. This is truly a town one could settle in.

That’s Loch Ness above,well a little bit of it. We spent the morning in Inverness having walked along side the river Ness over Ness islands to the city Center. Inverness is a lovely city a little like Salisbury in size and atmosphere.

That’s a picture of the high street as it heads up hill away from the river. We have started to think about gifts for the grandkids which is a sure sign that this part of the adventure is coming to a close.

After giving blood we headed back to the site.Stopping on the way back for a break and to admire the scenery.

This is the road that leads to the site. I have received the final batch of photos that Bill took during and just before his visit. They are of such high quality and we personally will treasure them.

The seascapes are of the bridge to Skye and local to that. The valley is a mere mile or so from where we are currently living.The Golden eagle action shots were taken before he joined us here.

Back to work tomorrow and Saturday half day Sunday and Monday we are off. If the weather holds we will try to get a good walk in.

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