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Gale force winds, hail and a queue buddy!

It is a grim day the winds are tearing off the North Sea with driving rain and hail to come. Fingers crossed the wind will subside from force 8 to a sailable level for our 8 hour boat journey to Shetland tomorrow at 23.00.

We decided to catch a bus to the third biggest town on Orkney population 550. To get there we had to cross the Churchill barriers constructed to protect the moored warships from U boat attack. One was sunk in 1939. They were completed just as the war finished in 1945. 1300 Italian POWs were used as labour and they are now used to link the lower islands. We didn’t get to see too much due to the inclement weather.

We disembarked from the bus had a walk around.

Before catching the bus back. As we waited for the bus we were accompanied by this youngster.

I doubt we will ever be waiting for a bus with such company again.

We returned by bus to.

Had a stroll round town past a ruin or two. This is the bishops palace next to the cathedral.

We admitted defeat and returned to the van battened down the hatches with fingers crossed that the sieve would hold out most of the rain. At least the hail should bounce off🤞. The drawback of the van is when the wind blows the van rocks on its suspension. I guess it’s a little safer with the wind speeds forecast.

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2 comentários

Sarah Brennan
20 de out. de 2021

Don’t seals look like mermaids!

Rae Rourke
Rae Rourke
20 de out. de 2021
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Yes In water 🤣 it was amazing!!

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