We are well into culling season here in Scotland. You too can come up here pay £90 and set off to stalk deer. Apparently there are 135,000 deer culled in Scotland and a grand total of 350,000 culled in the UK. The estimated current deer population in the uk is 2 million who would have thought. The argument for culling is strong as deer have no natural predators and cause a huge amount of damage to trees and wildlife habitat affecting birds in particular. My only issue is rank amateurs paying to slaughter these magnificent animals for fun.
The day was as predicted grey wet and miserable. The campsite is truly on wind down now in preparation for upcoming closure. We have dismantled and packed awnings and are nearly ready for the next leg of our adventure. We have our lowest amount of arrivals and it’s the quietest we have ever been. Its difficult to know wether we would have been any busier if we stayed open until the end of October like most of our sister sites.
Working tomorrow and off Saturday last day of arrivals Sunday and final departure day Monday by 12.
That’s Ringo and I . Ringo is Gordon’s colleague on site along with Radley not pictured🤓
Marie’s told me I’ve got the dogs name wrong, it’s not Gordon, and that I should read past the first line …. Thanks for the photos, they’ve been magical.
Don’t cull Gordon - we’ll take him…