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It never rains but it pours!

We had been warned that there would be a few showers. What we are beginning to understand is that when it rains here it doesn't mess about. Luckily we have appropriate clothing and have bought additional weather protection for the dogs


The promenade was deserted. Yesterday when the sun was out we had to weave slowly through the promenaders.

The wind was gale force at times it whipped the sea into a frenzy. At one point with the wind behind me I was reaching speeds of 8 mph without peddling!

We made the 9 mile journey to the clinic for Rae's appointment. I had to shout at her to make her agree to the appointment. So glad I did as the Dr has sent her for an urgent MRI as he feels that the problem with her hip needs to be confirmed l. It will need to be treated and possibly require surgery. If untreated it could become a serious problem.!

The rain continued as I waited for Rae to come out of her appointment m. The dog is not a fan of rain nor does he appreciate being left behind by his mummy 🫠.

The cycle back was interrupted by another downpour. Luckily there was a well positioned Irish pub that offered us shelter!

Unfortunately we happened to arrive at the same time as a Dutch football team who were in Marbella for a training camp had there pub quiz/ prize giving. I thought the English were noisy!!!

We saddled up and headed homeward. Rae has an MRI booked for Monday so we will have a gentle weekend as walking is not advised until we know what the problem is!

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1 comentário

Julia G Smith
19 de jan.

Thank goodness you shouted!!!! Hope all goes well with MRI…..


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