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It’s too hot for dogs!

A picture of Gordon trying his best to cool down sums up the day we are having. The weather is far more like the South of France than the west of Scotland. All the locals remain gobsmacked at the weather and lack of midges. That’s on the plus side on the downside these extreme weather events appear to be becoming more and more frequent! A largely uneventful day the weather was prohibitive so we did a bit of mowing and the usual daily routine. Campsite is full including the tent field I guess a sign of things to come.

The English schools break up for the summer holidays today so we should start to see more children in the coming weeks. It looks like the weather is set to continue for the next few days. We will look for ways to keep Gordon cool. We have tried a watering can but you would have thought we had poured acid over him.

Working tomorrow we are under strict instructions not to do anything strenuous in peak of the afternoon. Due to be off Sunday afternoon and Monday looking at things to do may have to give long walks a miss due to Gordon’s heat issue. Theres a nice walk that runs along a canyon through waterfalls, rapids and plunge pools. It’s certainly a tough life up here with all these decisions we have to make on a daily basis. Otters or seals. Waterfalls or lochs. Mountains or beaches. Eagle or sea eagl. The list is endless as are the opportunities up here in the highland.

Gordons about to have a haircut must dash.

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