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Late finish midge rating hits top.

A hot day with lots of campsite based drama. People parking the wrong way and today in the wrong place. There’s a very strict protocol to parking a motor home or caravan. It’s all down to fire regulations as there has to a sufficient gap to provide a fire break should one catch alight. On arrival verbal, written and pictorial instructions are given. However we are continually having to ask people to move. At times they have fully set up with awnings etc. It can be a contentious issue. Today an elderly lady had fully set up in the car park a first! I had to help her relocate to a real pitch. All this and more plus routine stuff meant we finished late and wind down after work drinks meant blog was delayed.

As you can see our midge friends are ramping up the tempo. We will reach 5 top rating on the midge forecast for the next 3 days. The midge nets are out and we are surrounded by the pungent odour of citronella.

It will be interesting to see how we fair. Any wind over 5mph tends to remove the majority but you can walk round a corner sheltered from the wind into a swarm of the little darlings. I have yet to be bitten the others have been less fortunate 😎.

The weather continues to be beautiful with hardly a cloud in the sky. This is set to change tomorrow with rain and thunderstorms predicted. We have yet to experience a thunderstorm here so strangely looking forward too it if it occurs. Working today off tomorrow!

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Good luck with the Midges, I love a good thunderstorm ⛈️⛈️ xxx

Rae Rourke
Rae Rourke

Yep me too

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