The above photo i took out of the window of the Fort William to Mallaig train. Apparently the number 1 most stunning train journeys in the UK. We had a choice of paying over £80 for a steam train or £20 for the scheduled! Any guesses? Yep the cheapest! People wait for hours to see the steam train crossing the viaduct a la Harry Potter
Pictured by Max son of Magda from the outside We took our own from onboard.
This is the onboard view.
We passed some spectacular scenery on our way to and from Mallaic a distant and isolated fishing port on the west coast. Without the tourists I’m sure this would not be a viable service. When we arrived at Mallaig station we were greeted by baby seagulls something I’ve never seen before!
And here’s mum with them.
We walked around town and caught the next train back. Not a lot to see in Mallaig as it was very misty.
journey back we sat on the opposite side
Still Misty but definitely worth including on your itinerary should you venture this far North.
We returned to Fort William and found more information re the curling installation from yesterday. For anyone who maybe vaguely interested
This from yesterday.
When we returned we got off at the station before and walked back past the flight of lochs signalling the end of the Caledonian canal.
Ben Nevis remained shrouded in cloud justifying our decision to postspone the ascent.
Another baby seagul greeted our return proving that when it rains it pours.
Passed some weird mirrors on the way no idea what or why?
Back along the river and to the site!
Return tomorrow work on Friday.
Someone enjoyed the trip!
The remastered picture from the top. Random happenchance. Fleeting moment from a train window. I’ve ordered a canvas of it as
I never got to look properly…. We had to rush off. More for when we next visit 😏
If you are ever passing the aqueduct again, go to the beach and look at the stones. It must have mica in it or something. It looks like treasure close up. Everyone else is looking the other way.