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The day after

We continue to digest the events of yesterday and try to make some sense of them. Most importantly we are trying to gain a sense of perspective. It’s quite easy to take these things personally and whilst annoying it’s hardly the end of the world. We will have a few months off to give us some space to think about next season. At this point we remain committed to giving it at least one more go in Brecon. However we are both of the same opinion that if we continue to be treated like this by the company then we will have to reconsider our options. Apart from the support that we have received from Judith and Simon we have seen and heard nothing from anybody else outside. It seems strange that a big company would not have a system in place to support their outlying workers. We are lucky that we have the ability to take some time out and look at what we want to do for the future.

Otherwise the day was much nicer than yesterday there was some sunshine poking through. We even had some extended periods of sunlight. Surprisingly we were able to sell some ice creams between the light showers. We are off tomorrow and we will begin the slow and probably painful progress of dismantling our living accommodation drying off the awning and preparing for the journey home. We are planning on leaving the caravan here when we travel up towards Orkney and Shetland before picking it up on the way home.

Sunshine highlighting the leaves on the trees that are beginning to turn brown. There are more and more leaves dropping daily. The deer in the fields and glens have increased their roaring. It’s a strangely haunting and beautiful sound.

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