As I was galavanting around the countryside yesterday Rae spent the afternoon sorting out our living accommodation. She was greatly assisted by our friends and colleagues Simon and Judith without whose help advice and guidance it would not have been possible.We have decided to remount the demountable and put up the awning on the caravan thus allowing us more living space and the ability to go out and about in the van.
The other view.
This is the van remounted.
Last nights view of the sun trying to peek through the clouds.
Today we have been sorting the accommodation out and helping out around the site as Simon and Judith continue to experience adverse medical conditions (temporary). We went for a stroll to the pub in the early evening. I kid you not and please correct me if I’m wrong where in the world could you see the two following things walking too the local.
And then this!
A truly remarkable place so privileged to be here!
last thought yesterday as I was having my tooth taken out and was obviously in some discomfort the very young dental nurse held my hand. I’m not a great one for physical contact but it was a touching and somewhat restored my faith in humanity strangely!