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The sun struggles to break through and a DIY first!

A blustery and wet start to the day meant full waterproofs in the morning but winds dropped and the sun battled through on occasion. A busy day of comings and going’s on the site with 35 new arrivals and a similar number of departures. There appears to be a distinct pattern developing of about 1/2 the visitors in transit staying one or two nights and the rest booking longer stays of up to 21 days which is the longest you can stay without leaving for at least one day. The temptation to try and cram in as much of Scotland as you can is an obvious one but often leads to driving hundreds of miles and missing most of it. My advice would be pick an area and spend time exploring!

I spent the afternoon under the supervision of Simon installing a sink and shelves on our shed/larder. It’s in our compound and is fitted with washing machine tumble dryer fridge freezer and now a sink. We also have our own shower and toilet all the comforts of home. It might not look like much but it makes living here much easier. Plus for me new skills which is rewarding and surprising to anyone who knows me!

Gordon is in the awning supervising supper preparation!

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Jun 11, 2021

Unbelievable Jim. DIY!!

Rae Rourke
Rae Rourke
Jun 11, 2021
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I know 🤣🤣

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