There have been times when we have questioned our decision to give up a perfectly good house to move into a damp sometimes leaky box. Last night was one of those. The rain hammered down the lorries roared past and we had another leak in the van. On top of this the insulation we painstakingly put up is starting to come away. The forecast was for strong winds and rain all day. The thought of remaining on the industrial site was depressing so we decided to set off for Keyhaven to embrace the elements.
When we arrived the winds were in excess of 50mph with rain and hail lashing down.
Gordon and Rae stayed in as I went out to battle the elements.
Luckily the wind blew away the clouds and we were treated to sunshine and majestic scenery.
There's few things more invigorating than walking by the sea in a storm.
We headed out and decided to walk along the cliffs to New Milton.
The backdrop of the Needles as company. The sea foam was gathered and blew across the path like snow.
The wind carried on blowing and at times it was a struggle to stand upright.
Gordon took it in his stride and although it looked like he was about to take off at times he remained grounded and in good humour.
We arrived in New Milton hungry and thirsty but unfortunately no one would let us in with Gordon so had to settle for sandwiches on a bench prior to grabbing the bus home.
The rain continued to be patchy but when it came it is in downpours. Just found out that more storms due tonight. Unfortunately we are committed tonight as we happened to trip over and fell into a pub!
Gordon loved the bus trip.