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Onwards and upwards life’s a beach!

Early morning walk before we set off towards Brora our soon to be home for 2 nights. Unfortunately the leak in the bed area has deteriorated to such a point that it’s now no longer plausible to keep sleeping there. Luckily we are able to make up the spare bed in the dining area.We are as a result a little more cramped but dry and warm. We only have to make it through the next 10 days before we move into the caravan and then the van is off to the repairer.

On the way up north we stopped in a lay-by and randomly besides the very busy road were these guys.

In a nutshell this is what you get all over Scotland unexpected encounters with wildlife. We carried on and decided to take a little detour for lunch in.

They missed out the r🤓.

We had a stroll after lunch an enjoyable circular walk across a very wobbly bridge which I enjoyed rather more than Rae as my bouncing made her feel a little queasy 🤢.

Along the shore and back to the van to continue our journey.

Next stop Brora campsite situated a mile or so out of the the town. Adjacent to a links golf course which we walked across dodging golf balls to this magnificent beach.

It would not look out of place in Devon or Cornwall but I would guess not as busy during the chilly summer months. The campsite is tucked away not all that big but well looked after with friendly managers.

Tomorrow is looking dry so we are starting to plan walking routes.

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