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A calmer day weather wise with occasional showers and the odd bit of sunshine. I was able to get some more striming done and make use of the leaf blower to tidy up behind. There appears to be more leaves dropping which is a portent of things to come. Rae was office bound today in part due her back playing up. It seems that weeding has an impact physically which is a shame as strangely she enjoys doing it.

We had a lady stop on site whose husband was walking the entire coastline of the UK in aid of the Gurkhas . I had managed to organise a kayak trip with the guy who lives next door to the site for our friends. They left the nearby village a little late and unusually turned left rather than right. Our neighbour is the mountain rescue team leader.

Anyhow they set off and very soon they heard a feint voice. They went to investigate and found a very disoriented elderly gentleman at the base of the cliff. He had no idea what had happened but was able to tell them that he was walking the coast of the UK …….. Yep same guy. Meanwhile back on site I was trying to calm down a very distressed wife who informed me that her husband had been injured and taken to hospital. It was not until our friends returned that we joined the dots. Luckily the kayak leader knew exactly what to do and the helicopter was called and he was air lifted to Inverness.

Tomorrow we head off to Ullapool well as we found out today 40 minutes outside on the coast more in the middle of no where than where we are currently. Long walks aplenty. It looks a beautiful place some 3 hours away!

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